In athletics, you'll see it happen all the time. Someone has an easy opportunity to score, and they choke. They were anticipating making the point and as a result made a silly mistake and missed the set up.
This happened to me as I worked on submission for an anthology called King David & The Spiders from Mars: More Tales of Biblical Terror
Right away, I knew I wanted to write about the Witch of Endor, so I jumped in head first and wrote the story - posted here. Last night, I was reading through the call for submissions and realized 1- there was a Witch of Endor Story in the first Anthology and 2- The editor had already received 3 submissions.
It was a hard lesson to learn, but now I know that I should make sure I know exactly what I need to write before I begin. It seems intuitive in hindsight, but I'm still human. It's easy to get worked up and important to recognize when that happens you open yourself up to silly mistakes
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